About Refilling the Cup

The secret to living well is in books and all around us

In my life, every time I’ve had a new skill to learn I’ve turned to books and articles and courses. I’ve done it in my career, in my art, and as a parent. It makes sense. When we don’t know how to do something, we educate ourselves. We don’t just blindly start trying things, hoping we’ll figure it out. Sure, you might eventually figure it out. Or you might not. But the point is, if the resources were all around you, why wouldn’t you use them?

But, for some reason, when it comes to the most fundamental of skills — living — most of us assume we can just figure it out. We go through life, either going through the motions, or perhaps even more dangerously, we adopt a certain set of rules and guidelines that are handed to us, and then we never question them again.

My goal with these notes is to apply the same kind of rigour that we apply when learning other skills to learning how to live.

About Adam

First and foremost, I’m a family man. I’m also a Lecturer at Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business. Prior to that, I was CMO of LANDR Audio and a Marketing Director at Airbnb. My other job titles have included: Director of Product, Counsel of International Affairs, and Bartender, to name just a few.

I’ve always thought a lot about what it means to lead a good life. But I started searching for answers in earnest at the beginning of a difficult period in my life that began with the death of my father, and led to severe bouts of self-doubt, depression, and anger.

I am not an expert at living a better life. You should NOT listen to anything I have to say on this topic. In fact, this newsletter exists because I’ve been so wrong about so many things.

Instead, this newsletter is basically a collection of lessons from smarter people in the areas of philosophy, science, history and more.

If you want the long(er) version of my bio, I invite you to check out https://www.adamdistefano.com/

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Thoughts on learning and better living from Philosophy, Science, History, Business and everywhere.


I'm a family man who's constantly seeking to learn more about living a good life. Professionally, I'm the CMO at LANDR Audio, a former Marketing Director at Airbnb, and have also worked as a product manager, lawyer, bartender.